Autumn Inspiration

When working with many clients, themes arise and seem to have more global relevance than pertaining only to the more individual needs. I decided to share the latest theme and resulting inspirations with you and anyone who may benefit!

“I notice Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” Friedrich Nietzsche. 

Life moves in rhythms and cycles.
Breathing, sleeping and waking, moon cycles, sun cycles…
It is autumn in the northern hemisphere, the time to reconnect, like the trees we can bring our life force back into the trunk and into the roots. It is the season of the soul.

Connect with a tree whose leaves are turning golden, you can:
Imagine it!
Look at it!
Touch it!

The colored leaves are preparing for their dance with the winds.
Fluids and lifeforce are returning to the trunk and the roots.
What can the tree teach you about coming back into yourself?
Listen closely and write it down.

Some practices that help me personally at this time of the year:

  • Dry skin brushing, to the heart.

  • Self-massaging with warming oils, toward the chest.

  • Warm moistening foods like soups and stews.

You can write a list of your favorite self-care practices that bring you back into your body and your roots at this time of the year. And include this awareness every day!

A quick glance at a falling leaf. Enjoy watching the dance of flight, then bring your attention back to your tree’s trunk, to the roots. This is where its life force is moving now.

Come back in!

With gentle coziness and deep connection,



During the shelter in place order, many people have had to adapt to working from home. It's not always easy, especially if you have young children or toddlers vying for your attention.

Needless to say, working from home can be both a blessing and a challenge. To work from home easily, it's best to find a quiet, private space, that is if you are lucky enough to have one!

Some of the challenges you might face after a few weeks working from home include:

  • Increased neck, shoulder or wrist pain.

  • Back pain from chairs that are not ergonomically correct.

  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating.

One challenge of working from home is probably learning how to handle the constant disruptions which can make it difficult to stay focused and meet deadlines. Facing uncertainty and financial anxiety may pose another challenge.

You may also have to get used to a less than ideal work-space, especially if multiple people are forced to work from home.

Many of my clients have raised concerns about these types of things, so in addition to offering practices and skills to relieve stress, I decided to put together some simple and effective reminders to help keep you joyful, balanced and productive. These simple tips can help you improve your level of comfort and efficiency while working at home.